Who We Are - What We Do - How We Can Help!
In 1996 we reorganized the Association into GASDA, and set up a Committee/dealer driven organization where group dealer’s issues are brought to the Executive Director to be worked. Formerly, under the old CGRA organization, the Board of Directors, in a top down style, established the direction/decisions for dealers. This organizational difference is the single most important reason why membership has swelled and dealers get results in cost effective ways. This has been accomplished with cumulative revenues of approximately $490,000.00 going directly to dealer issues for lobbying, legal challenges and developing the day-to-day structure necessary to be a professional dealer based organization. These numbers may seem large but the Oil Industry spent that much fighting us in one year alone according to their lobbyist.
We are pleased to list our accomplishments:
1.) Incorporation of GASDA, Inc. as a legal entity from which to further the goals of its members under a Board of Directors and managed by an Executive Director.
2.) Creation of individual Brand and Mass Appeal Issue Committees with each establishing a self-funding account totally controlled by the members of that Committee. This imposes fiscal checks and balances on the broad Association, provides for the advanced availability of funds for individual brand problems like Franchise Agreements, and enables a funding base to cost effectively move forward on mass appeal issues concerning every Brand such as the Gas Tax.
3.) Establishment of an office with the necessary staff to accomplish the goal and objectives of each Committee professionally, but without a separate office and staff for each Committee. By combining the efforts and reducing the redundancies of each administrative position the result is cost savings for all dealers.
4.) Establishment of three methods of communication with dealers and vendors. First, a Quarterly Newsletter (Survivor). Second, an interactive Web Site (www.GASDA.org.) for instant communication from dealers to the office. Third, a Broadcast Fax/E-mail Service that has created an instant communication network providing and receiving information on a 24 hour, 7-day per week basis.
5.) Creation of a public relations function to defend the interests of members and consumers with facts while deflecting the attacks of our protagonists like Big Oil and the uneducated.
6.) Institution of a professional lobbying function in Hartford to educate legislators on the needs and issues of our members and provide constant vigilance to protect your business from bad laws.
7.) Reduction in the State Gas Tax from $.39 to $.25 per gallon. While this agenda took over four years, by placing cuts in three of those four years the revenue spent to accomplish this goal has repaid dealers handsomely. How you might ask? Check this out!
Average Annual volume of 1,000,000 gallons times’ tax reduction of $.14 per gallon
Times average credit card cost per gallon of 1.5% equals $2100.00 per year.
8.) Legislative Accomplishments other than the Gas Tax reduction:
a) Passage of a dealer’s Right of First Refusal to purchase your location. We are the first and only State to pass this type of legislation in any form. Is it perfect? NO! but it is a beginning. Just like the Gas Tax we hope to build each year on this issue and make it better.
b) Actively participated in the legislative process to prevent passage of numerous bills that would have added to your operating costs through increases in fees paid. One huge example was a bill allowing Home Heating Oil Tank Owners to collect environmental costs from the Underground Storage Tank Fund. Our Gross Receipts Tax on petroleum products currently exempts home heating oil from this tax. Some legislators want an expanded use of the funds without taxing the heating oil.
c) Helped to create and participated in the “Task Force to Study Gasoline Pricing in Connecticut.” This Task Force was the launching pad for reducing the Gas Tax, but also educated legislators to the plight of dealers. Not only does our industry change, but so do the names and faces in Hartford. The 2001 Session we be a huge education process for many new legislators. It also is a new opportunity to make changes as opposing viewpoints are replaced with a fresh face in some cases!
d) Started a dialog with legislators on replacing the Emission Testing Centers with dealers/independent repairers performing this service for a fee. We accomplished this with the passage of a bill to allow a decentralized program. To be a part of this process from the very beginning is the key to success in the future. If we let the State create the entire program, dealers/independent repairers will be left only with the cost of the program and none of the benefits. Just ask dealers in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. WE HAVE!
e) Supported and passed legislation that increased the penalty for gasoline drive-offs. This made the crime a 6th degree larceny, punishable by up to 3-motnhs in prison and a $500.00. Created a pump sticker program to be placed on gasoline dispensers to inform the public about this new law that took effect October 1, 2003.
9.) Relationships – This process of running a trade association could not be accomplished without building relationships. GASDA has developed relationships those open doors for members. We can call offices of the Governor, Attorney General, Commissioners of Revenue Services and Consumer Affairs, State and Federal Legislators, and members of the Press. This kind of access is invaluable when working out issues of importance in a timely manner.
10.) Legal Support- GASDA has excellent legal support for both state and federal issues. Over the years it has become increasingly important to have access to qualified legal support. Contracts are changing radically and attorneys that do not specialize in oil industry franchises cannot protect you against changes that may be obvious or may be subtle. If you are going to court, do you want an attorney that has to read twenty years of case law to understand your complaint or someone who knows it cold? The same applies to purchasing oil company property and receiving the proper environmental clearances. This issue of late has great importance in light of MTBE claims.
11.) Nationally – renewed alliances with other State associations and worked with the National Coalition of Petroleum Retailers (NCPR) to merge with SSDA to create one voice in Washington for dealers.
12.) Federal Initiatives- testified and participated in discussions on the mergers of ExxonMobil, and BPAmoco. The result of this participation is, over 1700 locations being sold to dealers rather than distributors. GASDA did not do this alone. By uniting with other Associations across the country we accomplished this huge task. The huge benefit for all dealers was our ability to educate the FTC on the changes in our industry. Dealers will gain more going forward from the FTC because of the information provided by GASDA and others on industry changes, hence creating a better environment for dealers tomorrow.
One of the most successful functions created since 1996 is our Public Relations Campaign to enlist the support of consumers on issues mutually benefiting retailers and consumers. The Public Relations Campaign has been responsible for the shift in public perception about who is to blame for high retail gasoline prices in Connecticut. In the past, without a spokesperson to defend retailers, the public found us guilty of price gouging. The Press is going to make a headline, so you need a public relations program. Now, we respond to editorials putting forth the view of dealers. Oil industry PR editorials appear each and every week in major periodicals. This keeps their view of issues in the public view. The dealer's point of view has been long overdue! Now, GASDA is that much needed public voice.
While it would be great to be able to solve all problems overnight, the reality is that the size of the challenge is directly related to the impossibility of the task! I know at times we perform miracles, but unfortunately even GASDA has limited miracles that we can perform. At least we admit it and seek to achieve what we can. As they say in the Lottery—“You’ve got to be in it, to win it!”